The Importance of Healthy Living
While our world has grown in technological and scientific accomplishments, many have become consumed with newly evolved living habits that may not offer the healthiest of choices. It sometimes seems that with our fast paced living, thoughts of wellness have been sidelined while we are constantly fed promises of pills and other pharmaceutical treatments that are often unnecessary if we adjusted our way of living.
Every living thing needs clean air, clean water, and clean food for consumption, yet we have many failing water systems, pollution filling our air, and foods that are not only fast, but also pumped full of chemicals and hormones that can be harmful to life itself. Shockingly, some of the very institutions that were formed to protect the public, allow for certain levels of chemicals and additives that are known to be harmful. The problem here is that no one can accurately estimate the volume of these substances that are consumed by each individual over time. Over time, these unnatural additives can contribute to, and/or cause disease or illnesses and sometimes hasten medical problems and even shorten the lifespan of people.
It is estimated that 80% of known chronic conditions can be avoided with diet and lifestyle modifications, thereby reducing the need for medical intervention. There are of course some conditions like genetic disorders and life accidents that cannot be avoided. Yet, there are a great number of opportunities to improve many chronic conditions through healthy living choices and diet modifications.
We are constantly advertised to for this drug or that one (always with the quick rundown of potential side effects, often including death) but every medication comes with strings attached. Many without medical knowledge have a false impression that medicine can cure almost anything. It cannot. There are many limitations to what can be fixed or remedied. In an ideal world, everyone should be able to focus on healthier living to avoid the need of medical intervention wherever possible. Finances and family schedules can interfere with this goal, but if we collectively concentrate on changing our living environment standards, to include our standards for clean healthy foods, then over time, we can change how we live and improve our quality of life with less disease and illness.
There are also many dietary choices, herbal remedies, and other supplements that can help the body to correct off balanced items and change the course of some chronic conditions, but its always important to discuss these things with your trusted healthcare provider. There are sometimes side effects, and some of these interventions can affect or interact with other medications.
It is absolutely unfair and incorrect that healthier options always cost more and the detrimental junk foods are cheaper. While the economy and personal finances certainly affect the choices that people make, if enough people become more educated and concerned for the utmost of health possibilities, then pressure from the marketplace can influence not only the products being offered in becoming more health conscious, but also help stabilize the prices of those items.
One of the goals of this blog is to educate on healthcare matters and providing new ideas to promote lifestyle changes is one of those goals. Within each chronic condition, we will attempt to provide tools and educational information specific to that condition, diagnosis or illness, that can assist you on your wellness journey.
You can use the search bar on this blog to look up various conditions and we will be updating information regularly on current topics as well as adding new ones for your consideration. All information is carefully crafted with the intent to provide accurate and ethical principles in a manner that can be easily understood, while also reliable as truthful because trust is a number one priority in healthcare. As always, we truly wish you well.